Sunday, May 13, 2012

the principle is the use of its shield mobile phone jammer

KT-101M cell phone jammer
We mainly refer to the following national standards related to equipment and materials selected relevant information provided by the construction of flat materials, technical requirements and site survey data and other relevant state laws and regulations documents five, electromagnetic shielding room systems Standard: "Dealing with classified information of the electromagnetic shielding room of technical requirements and test methods" BMB3 -1999 (C grade) shielding theory: computers, communication equipment and electronic equipment in normal working hours will have a certain intensity of electromagnetic waves, the waves may interfere with other devices or special equipment to receive, in order to steal the contents of their work, while These electronic devices are also needed less than a certain intensity of the electromagnetic environment to ensure their normal work.To resolve the problem mentioned above, KT-101M cell phone jammer was designed and produced. shield is to use metal body (metal mesh) made of hexahedral, will be limited to a certain space of electromagnetic waves within the field of energy from one side to spread to the other side has been greatly attenuated. shielded room, the principle is the use of its shield mobile phone jammer, made of a metal material hexahedral room, because the metal plate (net) of the incident electromagnetic wave absorption loss, reflection loss and plate interface reflection loss, it greatly reduced the energy of electromagnetic waves, leaving shielded rooms have shielding effect. shielded room shielding effectiveness of shielding performance to be considered for. Within the area with radius of 2-15m, KT-101M cell phone jammer could effectively shield the GPS satellite signals.S = E0/E1 S or S = H0/H1 shielding effectiveness of the shield when the space is not a point the electric field strength (magnetic field strength) has shield shielded space when the electric field strength at that point (the magnetic field strength) E0 (H0) E1 (H1) and in the calculation of shielding effectiveness testing is fraught with significant differences between the value of field strength ( up to millions of times on the signal), in order to facilitate the calculation and expression, usually the number of units of decibels (dB) is measured. is defined as SE = 20lg E0/E1 SH = 20lg H0/H1 shielded room because of personnel and equipment are usually work on the inside, so six-sided enclosed shielded room, while leaving the necessary personnel and equipment out of the PSD, good ventilation, indoor power required, the signal in and out, interior decoration necessary to ensure the normal shielded room work and therefore affect the shielding effectiveness of shielded rooms have the following factors: the shielded room, the materials used. shielding material joint deal. PSD.KT-101M cell phone jammer works according to the features of all GPS satellite signals. hopper windows. shielding windows. power line filtering. signal line shielding treatment. Shielding Materials

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